This section describes the technology of the humans and the various alien races of the cartoon. Most of them are fleshlings, and 99% of this stuff is Earth Technology. However, for simplicity's sake, non-transformer robot technology (such as that of the Quintessons) will also be included here.
I only have a few pictures here at the moment, but hopefully that will soon increase. The underlined ones have links to pictures, for those who haven't mastered this Internet thing yet.
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Anti-Matter Formula (Roll For It!) The formula used to produce Anti-matter. It was developed by Dr. Alkazar and Chip Chase. The formula was sought by the Decepticons, who tried to steal it from Dr. A. To stop them he sent it to Chip Chase. Chip in turn memorised the formula and destroyed the soft copy (the disk it was on, for those not in the know). However, to Chip's horror, Soundwave simply plucked the formula from his mind using his special scanning powers. They used the formula to produce anti-matter and create super-powerful anti-matter energon cubes. |
Autobot-X (Autobot Spike) Autobot X was a Frankenstein's Monster of an Autobot created by Sparkplug out of spare parts of other Autobots. When he was activated he went berserk and had to be shut down. Later Spike's mind was transferred into the body of Autobot X (though the reasons why are rather unclear). |
Crystal of Power (Fire on the Mountain) A super-powerful crystal which channelled the energy produced by a massive molten-gusher running through one of the many mountains in the Andes mountain range. The crystal served as a cap for the energy-gusher, but also served to channel its power. Megatron used the crystal as the centrepiece for one of his many massive killer guns.
The weapon frame was forged out of special alloys. There was no way a lesser frame would survive the heat produced by the crystal's rays. This was exemplified when Starscream stole inadequate steel and the weapon's frame melted down after one firing. |
Exponential Generator (Countdown to Extinction) A powerful generator created by Dr. Arkeville. Starscream rigged the Generator to explode, to destroy the planet Earth so he could harvest the energy from the explosion. Megatron discovered the timer and disabled it then tried to take the generator for himself. However, the Generator was unstable, and he had to launch it into space (with some help from Optimus Prime) where it exploded anyway. |
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Hypno-Chip (The Ultimate Doom) This device was invented by Dr. Arkeville. It was a small chip placed behind the ear, which controlled the mind of its victim. It could be disrupted by sonic energy. The Decepticons and Arkeville used these chips to create an army of human slaves, and to control the Autobots' friend Sparkplug, and use him against them. |
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It was then locked away in a box, never to be seen again. I theorise that it was, not long after that, disassembled, to make use of the irreplaceable parts which made it up, so they didn't go to waste.
Nightbird is significant to Transformers for other reasons. Nightbird is an often-debated point of contention among Transformers fans. Some fans claim that Nightbird was a sentient robot who chose to become a Decepticon. Others, like myself, believe that Nightbird was a drone, whose programming was upgraded by Bombshell. Some even believe that Megatron was in love with Nightbird, which is why Starscream was so jealous. I personally think that's ridiculous. That's like a man falling in love with a dog. Or a cockroach. (Yeah, I know that sorta thing actually happens... but it's still silly, and gross.) Nightbird was a primitive robot who only got away with the tricks and things she did because the Autobots were constantly holding back.
Still, even those who argue about Nightbird's importance, must admit that it is very strange that a scientist built a giant killer ninja robot in the first place. What did they THINK was going to happen? Of course the Decepticons were going to steal it! Why the heck did you build it in the first place Fujiyama?! Were you mad? You must have been mad! Errr. That's enough from me. |
Nova Power Plant (Insecticon Syndrome) A powerful energy power plant which was eaten by the Insecticons. This enhanced them, making them super-strong, and a lot bigger. However, the Power Plant didn't react well with the Insecticons' innards, and became unstable. The Autobots tried to use an antidote (an antidote for a power planet?) to stop the Insecticons from exploding and leaving a large hole in the side of the USA, however Shrapnel exploded anyway. Not that he stayed exploded for long: soon regenerating thanks to the other Insecticons' help. |
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Voltronic Galaxer (Blaster Blues) A communications device designed to instantly communicate with life in other solar systems. The Decepticons answered its maiden call, and stole the device. They then used it as the central unit in a device designed to control all radio transmissions on earth. |
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