Geoff Senior self portrait.


Prominent Issues: 

Geoff Senior worked on so many issues of Transformers it's just not funny. Ignoring his US career, there are a tonne of significant issues worth checking out. 


#42, 43, Crisis of Command, pts 1 + 2

Senior's first Transformers strip work. Very interesting, but not his BEST stuff.


UK Annual 1986, Victory

This strip includes Starscream with a fusion canon. Do you NEED any more reason to check it out? Okay then; it has the Dinobots, Geoff Senior style. Now go read.


One thing Geoff Senior is good at is giving characters consistent guns. This guy's gun is the same throughout the issue, even when Optimus Prime steals it.#83, 84 + 86, Target: 2006, pts 5, 6 + 8

Probably some of the best issues of Transformers (including US stuff) in existence. 86 is, in my opinion, Senior's single best UK Work. Issue 84 also includes some neat Geoff Senior adaptations of scenes from Transformers: The Movie.


#98, The Harder They Die

Cybertron (and the Wreckers, Straxus and some Generics) after four million years of war... Geoff Senior style!


#101, Fallen Angel, pt 1

This issue is basically a huge battle between Galvatron and Centurion, then the Cybertron 7, and at the very last moment even the Dinobots show up. This issue also includes some neat Geoff Senior adaptations of scenes from Transformers: The Movie.


#113, Wanted: Galvatron -- Dead or Alive, pt 1

This is the debut of Death's Head. For that reason alone you should read this issue. Wanted: Galvatron also includes some neat Geoff Senior adaptations of scenes from Transformers: The Movie.


#116, Burning Sky, pt 2

Galvatron vs. Ultra Magnus ('nuff said).


#120, Fire On High, pt 2

The conclusion (sort of) to a major storyline. It features Rodimus Prime vs. Galvatron, and Death's Head vs. Galvatron. Not to be missed.


#125, Ancient Relics, pt 1 (and continued in Action Force #24-27)

Megatron comes back to life and ends up fighting Action Force (that's what G. I.-Joe were called in the UK).


#134, Headhunt, pt 2

Another Death's Head epic.


I quite like the yellow guy and the blue guy here. It's too bad we can't see more of them.


#138, Ladies' Night, pt 2

A neat, extra-long (for UK comics) strip, detailing adventures by the Throttlebots, Blaster, and several human females from Transformers strips of the past.


#146, 147, Legacy of Unicron, pts 1+ 2

These are the first two parts of a major 6 part story. Senior also did inking assists on issue 151 (part 6 of the story). This was to be his last work on Transformers UK for almost 100 issues.


#233, A Small War, pt 2

This was Geoff Senior's first strip work on Transformers UK in 83 issues. It's also a pretty neat issue.


#235, 239, 244 + 247 (various titles)

These were Black and White strips done by Senior, with issue 247 (Two Megatrons) being the last original material produced by Senior for the UK comics.


#319, 320, 321 + 322, On the Edge of Extinction, pts 1, 2, 3 + 4

Yes, this is just a reprint of Geoff's work on issue #75 of the US comics. But it's worth getting these issues just because it's on nicer paper, in a bigger format, with a better-coloured Geoff Senior cover on one of the issues! Get them!!



I really do love this picture.Rant:  

Geoff Senior is, simply put, my favourite Transformers artist. He, more than any other artist has a style which suits these battling robots. He started relatively early on the UK comics and was there for a long time, up until he was ushered away by side projects like Dragon's Claws. But he came back, and worked on several strips before heading over to the US Transformers comics.


Senior's art is crisp, expressive and incredibly dynamic. I've seen people complain that his work is flat, and lacks detail and character. I disagree. If you think he lacks detail, you're not looking beyond the hard, smooth lines of the TFs themselves and at their intense backgrounds. Take a look at issue #98 if you can and you'll see what I mean. As for characterisation; he may not draw stretchy faces, but they're filled with emotion and he even infuses the whole figure with emotion.


Yeah, that's right boys and girls, I'm a drooling Geoff Senior fanboy. I've got almost all of his UK TF work (and soon, will only lack three strips! Bwhahah!), all his US TF work, his stuff on Dragon's Claws, some Dark Angel, some Death's Head and Battle Tide. Any time I can get his art, I do.


But this isn't the Geoff Senior fanclub, so onto the next section of the page, please...


Geoff Senior and Generic Transformers:  

Okay, we've already established that I love Geoff Senior's Transformers work in general, but what about his generics? Ignoring the US comics, it's really hard to say. Senior is not exactly consistent in the quality of his generic Transformers. 


While the green guy just above looks great, he lacks any alt mode features, and has something of a non-transformer sense about him. The guards holding Death's Head in issue 134 range from pretty damn good, to humans with backpacks and helmets. Shockwave's personal guard are probably some of Senior's worst stuff; they look like they belong on the set of Doctor Who.


As much as it pains me to say it, Senior, like so many other artists, just can't seem to make all his generic Transformers LOOK like Transformers. Like Will Simpson he can produce some of the greatest generics out there, and some complete trash. 


Wow, my idol IS human after all!



Issue #98

The Green Guy Who Beat Up Outback (GGWBUO, for short), beating up Outback.  GGWBUO, again. I must admit, I do like this guy's head. It's also nice to see that he has a Decepticon insignia. I don't know why he's got purple teeth, though.  Probably the best picture of GGWBUO. He does look quite cool in this shot; note the arsenal of weapons on his back. It's sort of a proto-stage of the arsenal Senior would later use for Death's Head.   Preparing for battle with Optimus Prime.

Unfortunately for anyone wanting to draw GGWBUO, there aren't really any good shots of him from behind. This is about as close as you're ever gunna get.  This is an excellent shot, as much for the great angle on Optimus Prime, as to see GGWBUO squirming.  Another nice head shot; and a good shot showing how his optic-blasts charge up.  Another nice shot of GGWBUO's optic blasters in action. On another note, the wound on the side of Optimus' head remains there for the entire issue. Even when he gets another wound, on the other side of his head, Senior doesn't forget which side is which. Nice touch.  Flying through the air to meet his DOOOOOOM!


Issue #134

"Bounty Hunters? We don't need those scum."  These guys look like people wearing cardboard suits.  This guy's a pretty good Transformer, even if he's a bit ugly.


Issue #147

Resistence is futile, no one can defeat the Cybermen. We will survive... we will survive...